Start your Free Trial

Try the full MasterSeries suite, completely free, for 14-days.
Simply register your details below, and you will shortly receive an email with your download link.

USERS: - Download updates via the Client Area and not from here.
STUDENTS: - Go to the "Powerpad Student Edition" product page, to directly download your free 1-year licence

Thank you for requesting a 14-day free trial of the MasterSeries

Please download and install MasterSeries 2023.

Once you have installed the MasterSeries, you can then download & install the latest Update file (if listed below).

Revit install is only required if you have Revit & requested our BIM software (install on the Revit PCs).

(MasterSeries is only available for 64 bit Windows 10+ hardware spec)

Download Master Series 2023 x64 Trial

Download Master Series Revit Install Latest

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