MasterKey: Pile Cap Design
Analysis, design, detailing and scheduling of concrete pile caps. Design to Eurocode, British Standard and SABS
Standalone module, and also Integrates with our Building Design Suite, PowerPad and MasterPort analysis and design suites.
MasterKey: Pile Cap Design provides advanced analysis, design, detailing and scheduling of Pile Caps, with up to 9 piles supporting circular or rectangular columns.
Used in conjunction with Building Design Suite, MasterKey: Pile Cap Design allows you to interactively design the pile caps by integrating directly with the 3D structural model. In integrated mode, all of the geometry properties and forces are seamlessly transferred from the analysis model giving you maximum speed, economy, and accuracy as well as the flexibility of design.
Design of bi-axially loaded, eccentric pile caps to EuroCode or British Standard.
- Design pile caps based on Bending Theory or using the Strut & Tie Analogy Method
- Scheduling to BS 4466, BS 8666 or SABS 82
- Follows the conventions established by Whittle and Beattie (Concrete, 1972)
- Any steel outside the 3 diameter bands is ignored in design
- Deep beams accurately designed using Deep Beam Theory
- The Strut & Tie analogy considers concrete compression
- Switch between design codes to compare results
- Design to EuroCode 2, BS 8110 & SABS 0100
- Enhanced shear stress capacity
- Full details as DXF oputput
- Bi-Axial applied Moments
- Eccentric Columns
- 1 to 9 pile caps
Available as a Standalone
Available as a Building Design Suite Design Add-on
Pile number limited version included in PowerPad
Integrates with MasterFrame and Building Design Suite