MasterRC: Scheduler

Automatic Reinforced Concrete Bar Scheduling to BS8666, BS4466 and SABS82


Schedule reinforced concrete details quickly and effectively with MasterRC Scheduler.

MasterRC Scheduler is a complimentry add-on included, at no cost, with all MasterSeries concrete modules

  • Determine the weight per element and bar weights at the click of a button
  • Schedule to a number of codes including BS4466, BS8666, and SABS82
  • Full reference shape codes provided
  • Schedule MasterRC drawings quickly and with ease
  • Schedules MasterSeries concrete designs directly
Used With

MasterRC Scheduler is used in conjunction with a number concrete design modules, as listed below.

MasterBeam: Concrete Beam Designer

Interactive analysis, design and detailing of simply supported, cantilever and continuous concrete beams to BS 8110, Eurocode 2, or SABS 0100.

MasterKey: Concrete Design

Integrated design of concrete beams, columns and pad foundations in MasterFrame and MasterPort structures. Design to British Standard, Eurocode and SABS.

MasterKey: Retaining Walls

Design of reinforced and unreinforced concrete retaining walls, as well as masonry gravity retaining walls, to both Eurocode and British Standard.

MasterRC: Pile Caps

Analysis, design, detailing and scheduling of concrete pile caps to British Standard and SABS.

MasterBeam: Concrete Beam Designer (Free)

A free interactive analysis, design and detailing of single span concrete beams. Design to the British Standard, Eurocode and SABS.

Stand Alone Product

Not available in Standalone Mode

Part of Building Design Suite

Part of the Concrete Design Add-ons

Included in PowerPad

Included in PowerPad

Integrated Product

Included in All Concrete Design Modules

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MasterKey: Pile Cap Design

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MasterKey: Retaining Wall Design

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MasterBeam: Concrete Single Beam Designer (Free)

Free interactive analysis, design and detailing of single span concrete beams. Design to the Eurocode, British Standard and SABS.