MasterFrame: Seismic Analysis
Add-on for MasterFrame Dynamic Analysis module. With it, the user can quickly and easily determine how their structure is behaving under seismic loads and analyse and design the structure for these loads
The MasterSeries: Seismic Analysis module allows you to employ various methods of seismic analysis with standard MasterFrame models. This allows you to integrate the seismic analysis and design with the design other elements in your structure, within a single model.

Integration with MasterFrame allows the seismic analysis results to be used as part your defined load cases. By merging the results into your load cases, you can include the effects of the seismic design in the structural design of your structure.
Since the seismic analysis is not material dependent, the same methods can be used for single or multi-material structures. Seismic analysis and design can also be carried out on models that feature finite element surfaces.
MasterFrame: Seismic Analysis provides the following methods to determine the seismic loading:
Lateral Force Method Analysis
- Generates the base shear forces and the seismic loading using the single-modal response spectrum analysis
- Fundamental vibration periods in the two main directions are calculated by an approximate expression
- Response spectra in accordance with the following standards:
- Eurocode 8
- UBC 1997
- IBC 2000
- The directional components of the seismic action can be combined with the 100% / 30% rule or with user defined components factors
Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
- Generates seismic loading using the multi-modal response spectrum analysis
- Response spectra can be created using one of the following standards or defined manually:
- Eurocode 8
- IBC 2012 & ASCE 7
- UBC 1997
- The modal responses can be superpositioned with SRSS or CQC rule
- Resulted nodal forces can be exported to MS Word or Excel
- The directional components of the seismic action can be combined with the 100% / 30% rule or with user defined components factors
Seismic Time History Analysis (Base Acceleration)
- Time-dependent base acceleration can be defined in tabular form or can be imported from an external seismic data file or use one of the stored-in historical earthquake data
- The calculation results min/max displacement or member end forces over the entire model, or displacement, velocity and acceleration for the selected node in any principal axes, or in precise instance time we can create a snapshot to get the displacements and members end forces for the entire structure
- Use snap-shots to derive member forces for for further structural analysis and design
The Seismic Analysis modules allow you to design your structures in compliance with the following national and international design codes:
- Eurocode 8
- International Building Code IBC 2012 / American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE 7
- Uniform Building Code, UBC 1997
Requires MasterFrame & Dynamic Analysis
Available as a Building Design Suite Analysis Add-on
Not included in PowerPad but can be added
Integrates with MasterFrame, PowerPad and Building Design Suite
The ultimate 3D building design solution for all multi-material building projects.
Combine the power of MasterFrame with the MasterFrame: Dynamic Analysis add-on module to design for dynamic behaviour