MasterSeries Blog
Design of composite structures in MasterFrame 2019 [WEBINAR RECORDING]
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Thanks to the many benefits of composite construction, this construction type has been dominating the multi-storey building sector for over twenty years. But how actually does composite construction work?
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn how to analyse and design a complex, 3D composite multi-story structure using the high level of integrated design and optimisation solutions of MasterSeries.
Key topics:
- Analyse and design composite structures in MasterFrame 2019 according to Eurocode 4
- Modelling a composite floor
- Setting the level loadings and creating the load cases for construction and composite stages
- Construction stage design for unpropped and propped beams
- Autodesign of studs, cross-sections
- Designing cellular beams and large web openings based on SCI publication
- Handling the deflection limits
- Q&A session
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