MasterSeries Blog


What financial incentives does being able to produce a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with MasterSeriesLCA provide?
Posted on in MasterFrame
Being able to produce LCAs with your building designs, gives you the opportunity to contribute to various Green Certification Schemes. With this advantage, not only would you be doing you part in the Climate Emergency, but you would also getting the opportunity to contribute to the design of Green Certified Buildings, which often be seen as very attractive investment for various reasons that we will outline within this blog post.
What is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in construction?
Posted on in General
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies the potential environmental impact of products or services during their entire life cycle.
Calculating the environmental impact of your building structures with MasterSeries
Posted on in General
The UK Built Environment presently generates around 25% of UK greenhouse gas emissions. As environmental sustainability becomes a mainstream topic, the construction industry is also under pressure to cut its carbon emissions to reach Net Zero by 2050.
Tekla Structures Bi-directional Link in MasterSeries 2021
Posted on in BIM
The new bi-directional MasterSeries-Tekla interface provides even more possibilities to share your models with your colleagues and partners. The new tool offers full control over your model exchange process by allowing you to review all the changes both in the MasterSeries and in the Tekla model
Improve the way you design your concrete buildings [WEBINAR RECORDING]
Posted on in Webinar
The carefully considered design workflow of the MasterSeries Building Design Suite seamlessly integrates all the modelling, analysis and design aspects of a building project, to help the engineers deliver safe and well rationalised structural solutions. Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn how to design a complex, 3D concrete building, using the fully integrated design and optimisation solutions of the MasterSeries Building Design Suite