MasterSeries Blog
Generate your wind loading in a few steps even on a non-standard 3D structure
Defining and modelling standard based wind loading is a very specific and time-consuming task. MasterKey Wind Analysis add-on module, used with MasterFrame 3D frame analysis software makes light work of the complex task of applying wind loading to any structure.
To determine the wind pressure you do not have to deal with those directional & topography parameters, and the shape of your building is automatically taken into account. Using the MasterKey Wind Analysis, wind pressure can be easily established by simply picking the building site location from the built-in Great Britain and Ireland maps.
For a more accurate location, you can input your Great Britain or Irish grid reference ( and https://irish.gridreferencefin... will give you accurate grid references from a postcode or address).
If your site is located outside of the British Isles, you can use the user-defined q value to get the basic EuroCode q value.
With a simple click, all of the wind panels can be automatically placed on the outer surface of the structure. The function automatically recognises the position and the category of different surfaces, not just the standard walls and the roofs, but able to standardise the complex roof and building shapes as well, which can contain several types of roof shapes, canopies, parapets etc.
Using the location and shape parameters, MasterFrame automatically generates all of the necessary wind zones and calculates the pressure coefficients and loading for absolutely any wind direction.
All of the defined and calculated wind zones and factors can be visually checked on the 3D structural model.
MasterFrame then automatically allows you to create all the favourable & unfavourable loading combinations for your dead, imposed & wind loads. This can be done to British Standard or EuroCode and can even consider the more accurate 6.10 a & b loading to EuroCode 0.
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