MasterSeries Blog
How to design Ground Beams, Rafts & Pile Caps in MasterSeries [WEBINAR RECORDING]
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The high degree of integration in MasterSeries allows you to analyse, design, detail and schedule your concrete ground beams, rafts and pile caps within one system.
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn how to design concrete ground beams, rafts and pile caps to Eurocode 2 using MasterSeries.
Key points/topics covered:
Concrete Ground Beams & Grillages
- Eurocode loading cases
- Load patterns
- Beam design to EC2
- Curtailment methods
- Detailing export & bar scheduling
Raft Foundations
- Raft foundation analysis using FEA
- Piled slabs
- Sub-grade modulus
- Concrete slab design to EC2
- Detailing export
Pile Caps
- Automatic design of pile caps with up to 9 piles
- Special design cases: bi-axially loaded and eccentric pile caps
- Comparison of Beam and Strut & Tie calculation methods
- Q&A session
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