MasterSeries Blog
Hints & Tricks on how to effectively model buildings in MasterFrame [WEBINAR RECORDING]
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Are you new to MasterFrame or would like to refresh or deepen your modelling and analysis knowledge? This is the webinar that you have been waiting for!
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn all the hints & tricks that can help you to work more efficiently and avoid analysis errors.
Programs covered
Proposed topics:
- DXF/DWG layer
- Load Cases defining, importing & reusing
- Library frames
- Support conditions
- Member End releases
- Copying and duplicating
- Using the MasterFrame member property editor to quickly make changes to a selected group of members, e.g. end releases
- Using the area loading legend key to view other information, such as deck type, and not just basic dead and live loads
- Discussing the auto-connect options
- Model consistency checker
- Tips on model validation checking
- Model consistency checker - pick up cases where geometry is not connected or nodes are very close together
- Examining deflected shape before looking forces (have I missed a support?)
- Total reactions equal applied loads
- Frame load diagrams
- Understanding Torsion
- How to use the member referencing stamps on screen and in the design output
- Finding out what's new
- Q&A session
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