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Automated Concrete Wall Design to Eurocode 2 [Webinar Recording]
Posted on in Webinar
With the release of the MasterSeries 2023, we have added the integrated design of shear walls to our MasterKey: Concrete Slab and Walls Design module (previously called as MasterKey: Concrete Slab Design). Watch the recording of our Introductory Webinar and get to know the new reinforced concrete wall design feature.
Which MasterSeries Licencing Option is right for you? Understanding Cloud vs Network Licences
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Since its introduction in 2021 the MasterSeries Cloud Licensing has revolutionised how MasterSeries can be used in different situations and scenarios . This blog post summaries the different MasterSeries licensing options available for your business, giving pros and cons for each, plus recommendations for your business.
MasterSeries 2023 - Simple and Moment Connections Upgrades and New Features
Posted on in Connections
The latest version of MasterSeries (2023) now includes some much-requested additions to our Simple and Moment Connections Design Module.
MasterSeries 2023 is here!
Posted on in MasterFrame
After a busy year at MasterSeries since the release of MasterSeries 2022, we are proud to announce the Full Version release of MasterSeries 2023 is here!
Designing Concrete Pad Foundations using the Eurocode 7 Direct Method - with MasterSeries 2023
Posted on in Concrete Design
The latest "MasterSeries 2023" release now boasts additional features to MasterKey: Concrete Design for Pad Foundations, which gives you an additional Geotechnical Method for designing Pad Foundations known as the Eurocode 7 Direct Method, as well as our existing more conventional and conservative Prescriptive Method.
Introducing MasterSeries 2023: Cutting-Edge Design Capabilities and Enhanced Efficiency [WEBINAR RECORDING]
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In the coming month, we will be ready to release the latest version of our software MasterSeries 2023, which will boast a wealth of innovative features and improvements. Watch the recording of the Launch Webinar to see what is new in MasterSeries 2023.
What financial incentives does being able to produce a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with MasterSeriesLCA provide?
Posted on in MasterFrame
Being able to produce LCAs with your building designs, gives you the opportunity to contribute to various Green Certification Schemes. With this advantage, not only would you be doing you part in the Climate Emergency, but you would also getting the opportunity to contribute to the design of Green Certified Buildings, which often be seen as very attractive investment for various reasons that we will outline within this blog post.
Designing Concrete Slabs using finite element analysis [WEBINAR RECORDING]
Posted on in Webinar
Watch the recording of our latest webinar and learn how to analyse and design reinforced concrete slabs using finite element analysis.
Introduction: What should UK Structural Engineers know in relation to LCA Carbon Assessments of Buildings?
Posted on in LCA
Within the upcoming blog posts, we will explore the growing demand within the UK market specifically for LCAs, where that demand if coming from, and what opportunities it may present for your business to contribute to helping mitigate the Climate Emergency. We will touch on - A brief Intro on LCAs for Structural Engineers - The financial incentives of being able to provide LCAs with your designs - UK based Certifications that make LCA's mandatory as part of their assessments - UK Government Regulations and policies surrounding LCAs (and the reduction of embodied carbon in construction) - Local authorities' planning policies and their requirements for different developments
How do the structural model's simplifications affect your analysis results?
Posted on in General
The process of producing a model requires that the structure is idealised into a suitable form for modelling. This often requires at least some degree of simplification. Such a process of simplification applies not just to the model geometry itself, but also to the loading and restraint conditions. In some circumstances, such simplification can be done in a variety of ways with no significant impact on the overall analysis, but there are cases where how the loads or restraints are modelled can have a significant effect on the results.