Watch the recording of our latest webinar and learn how to design and detail RC pile caps with up to 9 piles and pad foundations by integrating directly with the 3D structural model.
Watch the recording of our latest webinar and learn how to analyse and design a reinforced concrete cantilever retaining wall with a complex loading and layered soil environment to Eurocode 7.
Portal frames represent a very efficient method for enclosing large spaces, as they allow large column-free areas to be achieved at a relatively low cost. Portal frame design is most efficient when designed within specialised structural software such as MasterSeries. However, it does not negate the designers need to have a fundamental understanding of how the portal frame behaves, how its elements interact and the design challenges it incorporates.
In the UK in 2018, the construction industry consumed 2.4 billion bricks, yet the design of masonry wall panels is often based on rule-of-thumb methods or using conservative standards. The reality is, through some simple design checks, major savings could be made in the form of time, money and materials. The Advanced Yield-Line Analysis (AYLA) method allows you to quickly and accurately calculate and design masonry walls with any arrangement of openings, combined with multiple wind posts and lateral line loads.
Composite floors, thanks to their many benefits such as efficient usage of materials; quick, cost-effective and sustainable constructibility, have come to dominate the building industry in the UK over the past years. However, for the long-term usability of buildings, the serviceability design both in the final and construction stages can be at least as important as the resistance design in the final composite stage.
The modern design codes (e.g. Eurocode) use the Component method to evaluate steel connections. In this webinar, we will review the underlying components and how the capacity of a connection is determined, based on the capacities of the various components.