In January this year, MasterSeries introduced the latest version of its PowerPad design suite allowing even bigger modelling, analysis and design capabilities
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn how to analyse and design concrete or masonry retaining walls even with a complex loading and layered soil environment to Eurocode 7.
The high degree of integration in MasterSeries allows you to analyse, design, detail and schedule your concrete ground beams, rafts and pile caps within one system.
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn how to design concrete ground beams, rafts and pile caps to Eurocode 2 using MasterSeries.
The carefully considered design workflow of the MasterSeries Building Design Suite seamlessly integrates all the modelling, analysis and design aspects of a building project, to help the engineers deliver safe and well rationalised structural solutions.
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn how to design a complex, 3D concrete building, using the fully integrated design and optimisation solutions of the MasterSeries Building Design Suite
The enhanced user interface of MasterSeries Masonry 2020 provides a straightforward design workflow to increases efficiency and productivity.
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and learn how to analyse and design masonry walls with any arrangement of openings, combined with multiple wind posts and lateral line loads.
MasterSeries 2020 introduces a brand new concrete slab design tool that provides an extremely powerful design workflow to interactively identify and resolve any slab failures.
Watch the recording of our latest Webinar and get to know the new MasterKey: Concrete Slab Design module.
Using the new FE Concrete Slab Design module, you can specify and design concrete slabs together with punching shear as a part of your 3D building design